Therapeutic Flats

The ARAPDIS Association, with more than 35 years of healthcare experience in Barcelona, ​​offers a series of “Intermediate Resources” to treat and provide specialized care to the mentally ill.

With this service, 16 places on Therapeutic Flats are available to all those people who suffer from all kinds of mental illnesses and other psychosocial pathologies.

General objectives

  • Facilitate a substitute environment for the home, suitable and adapted to the person’s support needs, which allows personal and social autonomy to be enhanced, promoting community life and social integration in a standardized environment.

  • Prevent or avoid situations of abandonment or social marginalization of people with mental illness problems.

  • Promote and facilitate the participation of these people when managing their own home and personal life project.

  • Support the process of social integration of these people, seeking normalization.

Specific objectives

  • Provide standardized accommodation that enables personal autonomy.

  • Supervise and support the personal processes of social integration.

  • Act as a residential alternative in those family situations that make coexistence impossible.

  • To offer a residential alternative to those people who have difficulty staying autonomous and independent with a minimum quality of life.

  • Become an intermediate resource between residential homes and completely independent living.

  • Enable flexible supervision according to the demand or needs of people using the home with support.

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Users who can access these therapeutic resources are:

  • People with a diagnosed mental health problem, aged 18 to 65 at the time of accessing the service, who have residence in Catalonia (under the conditions established by current regulations) and who have sufficient autonomy to organize life activities daily, but which, due to their problems, need technical, personal or community support to carry them out.

  • With specific support needs in different areas related to personal autonomy, responsibility for their treatment and psychopharmacological monitoring, interpersonal relationships, community integration, etc. Depending on the psychosocial situation and support needs, the stay may be temporary with specific objectives to be reached or longer in time.

Other assistance services

Want more information?

To request information, fill out the form on the contact page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

We will organize a free “Social Assistance Assessment and Orientation Visit” to learn more about your case and o visit the facilities.