The Incyde Foundation announces the 2020 World Summit of Disability, Emterprise,Management, Technology and Work which it is working together with the consorci of the Zona Franca, the Caixa Foundation, the Univesia Foundation of the Banco de Santander, the ONCE Foundation and the ARAPDIS Association,and it will be held in Barcelona on the 17th and 18th of March. The Summit is financed in a 50% by the FSE trough its POEFE Operative Program.

The aim of the Summit is to make society aware of the importance of eleminating social and technical barriers preventing people who suffer from some kind of disability and who have to face daily these barriers from reaching a truthful inclusion in society. It is important to envisage a listening space among alll those agents of society that gives rise to a change of paradigm to help to a better understandingof disability and of the people who are part of this community. This can result in plans of action that promote the social inclusion of millions of people.

The event is unique, free and of collaborative and motivational character and it will gather the most important institutions and enterprises at a world level in order to approach topics related to enterprise management work, science and technology in the framework of struggling against inequaality and also il will train 200 influential leaders in this field in Spain.

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In Spain there are 2,8 millions people with disability; it is a community which daily faces many social and technical barriers preventing them from living a normal life. Thanks to technology and innovation these obstacles can be overcome or at least partly minimized.

Because of this, it is necessary to activate plans of action to allow for a more inclusive society that does not discriminate any of its members.

The 2020 World Summit of Disability, Interprise, Management, Technology and Work has as one of its aims the identification, selection and training of 200 committed influential leaders on the matter from the 50 Spanish provinces who collaborate and spread the spirit and contents of the Summit.

The INCYDE Foundation, the Consorci of the Zona Franca in Barcelona, the Caixa Foundation, the Universia Foundation of the Banco de Santander, the OCCE Foundation and the ARAPDIS Association, with the support of the American Foundation of Advanced Leadership will identify, select and train 200 people so that they transmit how enterprise management, science, technology and work applied to disabilily represent a unique opportunity for the economic and social growth and the future of the country.

Those participants will be trained by the main experts of the world of today.

The 2020 World Summit will take place in Barcelona on the 17th and 18th of March. It is a second edition after the success of the International Summit of Innovoation and Circular Economy which we organized last year in Madrid and which included the presence of the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama and 4 Nobel Prizes among others.

Ains of the Summit:

  • Enlarge public consciousness on how thechnology, work and enterprise management are fundamental to promote a more fair and inclusive society to which all of its membres can make their contribution.
  • Strengthen a national web of transmission leaders of a more inclusive society.
  • Exchange knowledge among the participants of the gathering through processes such as communications, lectures and workshops.
  • Reinforce civic participation and favour social politics at local, regional, national and international levels.

The folloming topics will be teated in the Summit:

  • The importance of science and research to obtain new technologies which enable people with some type of disabitity to improve motor, sensitive  or other capacities.
  • How work and enterprise management transform not only lives of people will some sort of disbility buf also society in general.
  • The basic role of culture and sport to get a more inclusive and sensitive society.
  • The importance of a good and correct training of all members of society.
  • What steps are taking the Spanish Government, the European Union, the International community and the private initiative to support, promote and encorage a more inclusive and less discriminatory society.

Possible topies of interest and specialization of candidates:

  • Work and Enterprise Management.
  • Science, Technology and Research.
  • Innovation
  • Training
  • Culture, Sports, Humans Rights and Ethics.
  • International Cooperation.


How to participate:

To participate in the call for leaders it is necessary to fill in the following from:

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