Equality in diversity2024-04-23T17:59:59+02:00

Equality in diversity

After 34 years of experience as pioneers in tertiary mental health care in Catalonia.

Here at ARAPDIS, we are still fighting to end the stigma associated with mental illness and ensure the rehabilitation and integration of everyone in the community into society and the workplace, with a focus on equality in diversity. Our organisation firmly believes in improving quality of life for all the people who make up our community, so that our society may become fairer and more inclusive..

Community Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services

We offer resources for people who want to participate and feel integrated in today’s diverse, ever-changing society, through activities focusing on prevention, promotion, care, training, rehabilitation and support to help include them in the community.

Residència Assistida

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Pisos Terapèutics

L’objectiu és proporcionar uns recursos intermedis entre l’hospital i la vida autònoma. S’ofereix una supervisió per part de personal qualificat en funció de les necessitats dels usuaris.


Social Club

Is a specialized social service to improve the social ties and skills and competencies of people with mental disorders through the meaningful occupation of free time.


Specialized social day care service that, coordinated with social, health, training and labor services, intervenes in people with a serious mental disorder to encourage the start of a job placement itinerary.


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