What we believe in



After 34 years of experience as pioneers in tertiary mental health care in Catalonia, here at ARAPDIS, we are still fighting to end the stigma associated with mental illness and ensure the rehabilitation and integration of everyone in the community, with a focus on equality in diversity.

Our organisation firmly believes in equality in diversity through alternative, comprehensive and integrative models and treatments.


We believe in progressive connection and creation programmes, with a methodology that develops specific cognitive and psychosocial techniques that enable us to get to know, understand and empathise with members of our community.Through alternative, comprehensive and integrative treatment models, we encourage a whole community to continue to fight the stigma associated with mental health.

An active fight against stigma drives real integration in society.

Every day, we move closer to normalising the reality of mental health.

Our Values


Want more information?

To request information, fill out the form on the contact page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

We will organize a free “Social Assistance Assessment and Orientation Visit” to learn more about your case and o visit the facilities.